
St Giles loves kids, and if you have children you are more than welcome to come to our services. Not only do we have provisions and activities for children in our Sunday services, there are other activities during the week.


Normally there are activities for children during the 10.30 a.m. service covering 3- 15 year-olds that take place in our church hall. The children return into church for the last part of the service.

SHINE! on the first and third (and fifth) Sunday each month

LIGHTHOUSE mini messy church on the fourth Sunday (except when there has been a midweek big MESSY CHURCH)


Every second Sunday of the month there is an All-Age Worship. As well as a child-friendly sermon and songs, we also are able to welcome the children who have recently been baptised.



Rainbows is for small babies, toddlers and young children up until they start school. It meets in the Church Hall (which is found inside St Giles’ Church) every Wednesday morning during school term time. The aim is to provide a relaxed environment for parents, grandparents and carers with tea, coffee, toast and biscuits. There is a wide selection of toys for the children to play with. There is normally some singing of nursery rhymes towards the end of the session. Rainbows is open 9.00 – 11.30 a.m.  


This is an event that takes place four times a year: February half term, Good Friday, July and October half term and is suitable for all ages. Messy church involves lots of activities and crafts based around a big theme from the bible, a short time of praise and worship and a simple sharing of food together. Please look out for information about the dates for the coming year on the home and events pages.