Bible Study

Reading and coming to understand the Bible is one of the most important and enriching things a Christian can do. Every second Thursday of the month a group gathers together in a home to study the Bible. Everything is very informal, with an open and friendly conversation about what the passage means.

We are currently looking at Jesus’ ‘I AM’ sayings in the Gospel of John. Our dates are as follows:

14th September, 2017: ‘I AM’ – learning about the God who is

12th October, 2017: ‘I AM he’ – learning about Jesus the Messiah

9th November, 2017: ‘I AM the bread of life’ – learning about how Jesus feeds us

7th December, 2017: Christmas Party

11th January, 2018: ‘I AM the light of the world’ – learning about how Jesus shines in the darkness

8th February, 2018: ‘I AM the Good Shepherd’ – learning about how Jesus is our shepherd

March: BREAK.

April 13th, 2018: ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life’ – learning about how Jesus overcomes death

May: Ascension Day Service

June 14th, 2018: ‘I AM the way, the truth, and the life’ – learning about how Jesus is the way to God

July 12th, 2018: ‘I AM the true vine’ – learning about how we are connected to Jesus