
We are a large, friendly Anglican church in the heart of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. We draw our congregation from many walks of life and Christian backgrounds. Our diverse worship reflects this breadth, as we aim to encourage and help each other on our journeys of faith, learn more about Jesus and deepen our experience of him, and reflect his love in our small part of the wider world.

With much love,

Revd Josh Penduck

Rector of Newcastle under Lyme, St Giles with St Thomas Butterton

For information you can contact the Parish Administrator on 07592 035386 or email at office.stgilesnewcastle@gmail.com

About St Giles

Our main Sunday service is at 10.30am every Sunday, although we have other services throughout the week. To find out about our other services click here http://www.stgilesnewcastle.org.uk/whats-on-2/

Alternatively, you can worship with us online at St Giles You Tube Channel

You can follow us on Facebook here


Regular updates about service and events at St Giles’ and St Thomas can be found in the following publications:

Memo: New memo week 2 9th February 2025

PARISH NEWS Our monthly parish magazine is still available online. Parish News Edition 59  PN Feb 25

ST GILES FRIDAY COFFEE SHOP EVERY FRIDAY 9am to 1pm Hot drinks, toasted teacakes, toast & other snacks available until 12pm. Light lunches 12pm to 12.30pm. A warm place to be, meet with old friends and make new friends.
Open again 14th February

FRIDAY MINI MARKET 9am to 12pm in St Giles’ church hall
Next one: Friday 21st February 2025

SHINE! Children and Families group every first, third and fourth (and fifth) Sunday at 10.30am in St Giles Church Hall. All Are Welcome!!
Next one : Sunday 16th February

YOUTH GROUP is also on for the young people aged 11 and over as detailed on the flyer below. .

Our Children and Families Facebook page can be found here

St Giles supports Newcastle Foodbank. A donations box is in the back of the church for goods donated. Specific items are currently needed and below are links to their latest Harvest time appeal for 2024, detailing the specific items that are required and their thank you to you for your support.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GREEN CHURCHYARD TEAM St Giles Churchyard is a Green Flag Churchyard! We have been awarded the Green Flag for 2023/2024. (new picture pending) For more information about the Green Flag Scheme click here: https://www.greenflagaward.org/

Churchyard safety
We are aware that visitors to our churchyard sometimes find groups of people who make them feel unsafe there.
If you experience any unsafe encounters you are advised to call 999 and ask for the police, stating that you fear for your safety.
Please keep yourself safe (in your vehicle, the building and away from the threat) and wait for the police to attend the churchyard, even if the people posing the threat to you have left.
This will mean that actual reports can be made about unsocial and threatening behaviour and the police can build a file on the problems that Newcastle town centre is experiencing and hopefully help to resolve these and the issues behind them.
Also report any issues to our local MP
Thank you.

Life Events

To find out about ‘Life Events’ (Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals), click here

If you would like to learn about how to Connect with various groups in our church, click here

To find out about our sister church, St Thomas’ Butterton, click here

To find out how to Contact Us, click here

How to find us

St Giles’ Church is at the centre of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and easy to find, with easy access to the rest of the town.

We have a large car-park, so you don’t need to worry about parking for Sunday services or weekly events.


St Giles takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines.

You can find out more about the national policies and procedures here.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be found here: St Giles’ Safeguarding Policy 2024 2025 

If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter please speak to our Safeguarding Officer, Penny Richards, on 07592035386

Alternatively, you can find useful contact information on the Diocesan website here